SME fundamentals you need to know to Grow a Business

The object of this session is to give some tips regarding the main Spanish types of business entities. We will describe the basic requirement of the different business structures as well as the key formalities.

We will also explain what “CINC Business Consultancy” can do for investors and we will expose our Project 1day1enterprese, under which start-up companies can get free consultancy for 6 months.


-How to establish a company in Spain
-Tax and accounting obligations of the corporations
-CINC Business consultancy: what can we offer you?
-Project 1day1enterprise (1d1e)


Virginia Cirera: Lawyer specialized in Tax and fiscal Law at CINC Business Consultancy.

With Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Law from ESADE with specialization in Tax and Fiscal Law. Lawyer with over 9 years of experience in fiscal and tax advice to SMEs.

Stephen Harrison: CEO of Gerentes Internacionales S.A. and a University professor teaching MBA courses in Barcelona will give us a short presentation:

«How and why you should register your startup company oversees»

Agenda of this session:

19:00 h. Welcome
19:15 h. Introduction of Growing a Business
19:30 h: Presentation of CINC about details on setting up your business in Spain and what help CINC offers to start ups.
20:00 h: Q&A about CINC
20:15 h: Presentation of Stephen Harrison about «offshore»
20:45 h: Q&A about offshore
21:00 h: Networking

The organisers will provide refreshments free of charge for the networking session after the presentations.

We will update the agenda with other presentations that will be made. We do so once the speakers have been clarified

N/B This meetup will be open to anyone including service providers and or entrepreneurs who have failed and or succeeded in the respective areas which this meetup chooses to address. They can come and share their insights and experiences with people to learn from.

Date: Wednesday 14 October 2015.
Time: 19:00h.
Place: CINC Barcelona | c/ Llull 121 | 08019 Barcelona.


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