New SOC grants for recruitment: we explain the 3 types of grants and who they are aimed at.
- 20 January 2022
- Business Consultancy

The Public Employment Service of Catalonia has announced the opening of 3 calls for applications for grants for the recruitment of people under 30 years of age, for the recruitment of people aged 30 and over and for the recruitment of people aged 52 and over, receiving the RGC (Guaranteed Income of Citizenship) and not receiving unemployment benefits.
For the recruitment of persons under 30 years of age
Young people are one of the groups with the highest unemployment rate and have many difficulties to enter the labour market, even if they have obtained a university degree or vocational training.
This aid offers public subsidies to companies and worker cooperatives for hiring young unemployed people.
The application deadline is 31 March 2022.
For the recruitment of persons aged 30 and over
The main objective of this aid is to subsidise the employment of unemployed people over 30 years of age. It offers them a stable and quality job, especially to those people who are more vulnerable.
Those who wish to apply for the subsidy must meet the following requirements: be over 45 years of age and be long-term unemployed.
The application deadline is 31 May 2022.
For the recruitment of people aged 52 and over, in receipt of the RGC and not receiving
This aid is the novelty of this year's call, as people over 52 are also a very vulnerable group at risk of social exclusion and, therefore, have much more difficulty in finding work. In addition, they have little time to contribute and be entitled to retirement benefits.
These subsidies are aimed at local councils and county councils, which will have to hire these people for one year on a full-time basis.
The application deadline is 31 January 2022.