New registration deadline for accessing the 2,000 euro grant for self-employed workers
- 08 February 2021
- Business Consultancy

The Government of Catalonia has announced a registration period for accessing new extraordinary aid for maintaining the activity of individual self-employed workers or self-employed workers who are part of a microenterprise. To be eligible for this aid, prior registration must be made from 19 to 26 February, which will act as an application form.
What does this aid consist of and who is it intended for?
This is a financial benefit aimed at self-employed workers who are registered with the RETA, or with a mutual society as an alternative system to the RETA, who carry out an activity as an individual or with contracted persons.
Members of cooperatives or legal entities registered as self-employed workers are also eligible for this aid, as long as the maximum number of members is 3.
From when can I apply?
From 19 February at 9:00 a.m. until 26 February at 3:00 p.m., the registration period for accessing this new line of aid is open.
This is a preliminary step to be able to access them, and the order of registration will not be taken into account when granting them. Furthermore, registration in the register will act as an application and, therefore, no further formalities will be necessary. In order to apply, you must have a digital certificate or the mobile idCAT.
What are the requirements to apply for them?
- Have a tax domicile in a municipality in Catalonia.
- Be registered with the RETA (or with a mutual society as an uninterrupted alternative system to the RETA) before 1 October 2020.
- The IRPF taxable income for the last available financial year must be equal to or less than 35,000 euros.
- The net income from the activity for the first three quarters of 2020 must not exceed 13,125 euros.
- Comply with the requirements set out in article 13 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, on general subsidies, and other applicable regulations.
- Not have grants awarded according to resolution TSF/1270/2020, of 3 June, which opens the call for the award of grants to promote self-employment of young people registered in the Youth Guarantee programme for 2020, within the framework of the shock plan of Decree Law 16/2020, of 5 May, on urgent complementary measures in the field of transparency, aid of a social nature, recruitment and mobility to tackle Covid-19, nor with resolution TSF/2799/2020, of 4 November, which approves the call for aid to promote the maintenance of the economic activity of self-employed individuals and self-employed individuals who are part of a microenterprise in view of the effects of the new measures adopted to tackle Covid-19.
What is the amount of aid?
The amount of the aid will be determined in the call for applications, which will be published shortly