Insurance Family Protection: take care of your beloved for only 4.83€ per month

Seguro de Protección Familiar

Do you know one of our most complete policies? At CINC Correduría we offer an insurance that includes personal assistance and death services with extensive coverage for you and your family. Do not worry any longer and protect your family, monthly from only 4.83€.


  • Travel Assistance: we will provide you with assistance in case of any unforeseen event, regardless of where you are in the world (such as repatriation of injured people, accompaniment of minors, medical costs abroad etc….).
  • Home help service: with just a call, you will access to a wide range of services that cover all your needs: from tele-pharmacy, home help service, catering, hairdressing services, pet assistance, and many other available options.
  • Dental care: providing a large network of dental centers throughout the country, you will enjoy free services, especially designed for the youngest ones. Special children’s plan under 14 year´s old (offering additional services free of charge).
  • Different medical opinions: in case of serious illness, you will have access to the most renowned doctors and hospitals to receive medical care.
  • Wellbeing and services program: you will receive a guidance from our side to help you maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle. This includes a wide range of services at exclusive prices including Acupuncture, Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Podiatry, Speech Therapy, Spas and Gyms.
  • Coverage of funeral expenses: In the most difficult moments, the company will take care of all the arrangements and expenses for the funeral, national and international transfer if needed, legal medical expenses, psychological support, management, digital-life-end etc…
  • 24-hour telephone service: you can access the 24h service for any medical, psychological, legal or social consultation.
  • Senior Service: Senior (over 59 years’ old) policy-holders can contact a personal doctor who will provide telephone advice. Seniors can also access to a medical check-up.
  • Pedagogical assistance: In case of accident or illness that prevents your daughter or son attend classes for a period of 15-days, we will provide you with a home-teacher.
  • Medical services at agreed prices: access a network of professionals and medical centers.
  • Assistance Call-Center: receive the best protection for convalescence due to an accident or illness. Immediate doctor and ambulance calls, home help service…

Need more information?

Do not hesitate to contact our team at CINC Corredoria de Seguros.

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Seguro contra ciberataques
February 21, 2024

Protect your business with cyber attack insurance

La majoria d’organitzacions que sofreixen ciber atacs, a més de no implementar plans de contingència, compten amb un sistema de seguretat molt vulnerable. Per això, en CINC Assessoria et facilitem la contractació d’un segur a través d’una de les millors asseguradores del mercat.

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