Family Protection Insurance: guarantees the peace of mind of your loved ones from 4.83 euros per month

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At CINC Insurance Brokerage we make it easy for you to take out Family Protection insurance for the whole family from just 4.83 euros per month. The policy includes personal assistance and death services with extensive coverage for you and yours at a very competitive price. This way, in the event of any unforeseen event, everyone will be covered, and on the day you are absent, they will not have to worry about anything: just provide the insurance company’s policy number.

Do you want to know what coverage this insurance includes? We detail them below.

Main coverages

Travel Assistance. You will receive assistance in the event of any unforeseen event and anywhere in the world (repatriation of injured people, accompaniment of minors, medical expenses abroad, etc.).

Home help. Through a single call, you will access services with everything you need: telepharmacy, home help staff, catering service, hairdresser, pet assistance, and much more.

Dental services. Through access to dental centers nationwide, free services are included, complemented by the children’s plan for children under 14 years of age, with additional free events adapted to that age group.

Second medical opinion. You will have at your disposal the most prestigious doctors and hospital centers in the world, in case you suffer from a serious illness.

Comprehensive wellness and services program. You will receive advice and support to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle, with a wide range of services at exclusive prices such as Acupuncture, Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Podiatry, Speech Therapy, Spas and Gyms.

Coverage of funeral expenses. In the most difficult moments, the company is responsible for assuming all the arrangements and expenses for the funeral, national and international transfer, legal medical expenses, psychological support, management, digital end of life, etc.

24-hour telephone guidance service. You can access this service for any medical or psychological, legal or social consultation.

Senior Service. For policyholders over 59 years of age, a personal doctor will provide telephone advice and they will be able to access a medical check-up.

Pedagogical assistance. If your son or daughter suffers an accident or illness that prevents them from going to class for 15 days, we will provide you with a home teacher.

Medical services at agreed prices. You will be able to access a network of professionals and medical centers.

Telecare. You will receive the best protection for convalescence due to an accident or illness. Immediate dispatch of doctor, ambulance, home help…

You want to know more? Do not hesitate to contact our team at CINC Insurance Brokerage:


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