Data Protection and teleworking: AEPD recommendations
- 19 October 2020
- Business Consultancy

As stated in Royal Decree Law 28/2020, of September 22, on remote work, the Agreement in which the company and the worker formalize the remote performance of the work provision must include, as part of its minimum content, the Instructions for compliance with data protection and information security.
In this sense, in previous newsletters we already reported on the recommendations made by the AEPD and which can be consulted here. These are recommendations directed both to the person in charge of the treatment and to the employed personnel whose purpose is to guarantee the security and confidentiality of personal data, which is the responsibility of organizations in teleworking situations.
Given that the risks that these circumstances may pose for the protection of personal data and the consequent responsibility that mismanagement may entail for the parties involved, we recommend the development of a Security Protocol in the processing of personal data that you understand in detail and particular each concrete situation.
For any questions, you can contact our Data Protection Department at CINC Asesoría (