CINC Consultancy and their commitment to growth makes to join Agencia Girona
- 21 March 2018
- CINC Group

Since March 19th, CINC Consultancy and Agencia Girona became part of same company, making a future hope in order to become one of the main companies in services to enterprises in the region of Girona.
This union let CINC Consultancy to grow and to become established, gaining experience and client portfolio, as well as improving their quality in services. In this sense, both consultants’ offices have a wide professional career in this sector and they share the same philosophy: go hand by hand with companies and individuals in their daily day.
CINC Consultancy offers legal advice in labor affairs, accounting, tax and legal issues to more than 5.000 companies and individuals. Our human resources, main asset in our company, are made up of more than 70 professionals who offer a personalized attention to their customers with the maximum efficiency and professional accuracy.