Seguro contra ciberataques
May 14, 2024

Protect your company with our cyberattack insurance

Did you know that 6 out of 10 companies end up closing a year and a half after being hacked? SMEs are the target of cyber attackers: last year, 1,250 weekly cyber intrusions were recorded in Spain, making it the third most affected country worldwide.

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Seguro contra ciberataques
February 21, 2024

Protect your business with cyber attack insurance

La majoria d’organitzacions que sofreixen ciber atacs, a més de no implementar plans de contingència, compten amb un sistema de seguretat molt vulnerable. Per això, en CINC Assessoria et facilitem la contractació d’un segur a través d’una de les millors asseguradores del mercat.

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November 6, 2023

The life insurance that fits you: now with a 45% discount

At CINC Correduría de Seguros we are committed to those life insurance policies that are not limited only to families, because we firmly believe that each individual is at some stage with different circumstances and needs. Would you like to know which of all of them best suits your personal situation?

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