Democratic Memory Law

What types of training contracts are included in the 2022 labour reform?

New lines of funding for young people, entrepreneurs and innovation
For the past two months, the government has been implementing up to six lines of guaranteed financing that will be available to the self-employed throughout this year.

Do you manufacture or purchase non-reusable plastic packaging or films?
Last April, Law 7/2022, on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy, was passed with the aim of minimizing the negative effects of waste generation and management on human health and the environment.

At last, the “Create and Grow” law is approved: we explain the key points
After several months of negotiations, the Congress has approved the law 18/2022, of the 28th of September, of creation and growth of business (“Law create and grow), that has as a main aim boosting business creation and growth.

Changes in the contribution bases for the self-employed from October onwards

Do you want to start a business? CINC is waiting for you at BizBarcelona on the 9th and 10th of November.

Supreme Court allows companies to deduct their financial charges
The Supreme Court ruling of 26 July 2022 has affirmed that financial expenses accrued for a loan directly and immediately related to the exercise of the company's business activity do not constitute a donation or liberality.