Investments at hotel & tourism world

Investors and Founders i CINC Centre de Negocis Barcelona us conviden a aquesta taula rodona sobre inversió a la indústria hotelera impartida en anglès.

17:00 – 17:20h: Ausias Acarin, CEO at KUKOA
Local BigData: segmentation and pretargeting hosts as a key to increase your Hotel’s ROI.

17:20 – 17:40h: Pablo Mas, CEO y Product Manager at Tabletech
Tabletech, 24 horas de consumo

17:40 – 18:00h: Alicia Meana, Consultant and Lawyer at Compas private equity
Venture Capital and Hotel Industry

18:00 – 18:20h: Keiretsu, CEO Miquel Costa
Financing of projects in initial phase.

18:20 – 18:35h: Break.

18:35 – 18:55h: Albert Álvarez, CEO at Hotel Avenida Palace
The revenue hotel management system: maximizing income and satisfaction.

18:35 – 18:55h: Josep Nebot, CEO at Arboribus
Crowdlending alternative financing in the hotel industry and tourism.

19:30 – 19:45h: Questions and closing.

Data: Dijous 16 d’abril de 2015.
Hora: de 17:00h a 20:00h.
Lloc: Edifici CINC Barcelona | c/ Llull, 321 | 08019 Barcelona.


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